

Minimum steps to get started

JPC BRAIN App has minimum starting time and automatically traces and connects to the last device it has been paired to. Test your equipment without unnecessary procedures, saving time.


Choose between various modes. Perform a full transmission test, or just inspect and save pressure sensor data. Connect and power on an ECU or manage single components and sensors



Control various models of hydraulic transmissions from many manufacturers. Choose a transmission type, and the device takes over the workings of the machinery.

Control a hydraulic transmission

Easily perform a full diagnostic test of a hydraulic transmission. Go through all available gears and get all available measurements. You can save the complete set of measurements in order to analyze it subsequently.


Signal generation

Embedding a significant range of Ι/Ο, JPC ΒRAIN is able to simulate many types of signals utilized by an engine ECU. Using this ability, you can verify the ECU’s correct response to these signals.

Comprehensive indication presentation

The diagram showing the various speed sensor indications, allows you to have an integrated view for the selected gear. The pressure indications inform you instantly about the condition of your transmission and its electrical parts are checked for their consistency and operation.

Thermistors and analog signals

Utilize the device to test variable resistance or variable duty cycle thermistors. Also measure DC voltage.

Speed sensors

Check the frequency of rotating gears by connecting to compatible speed sensors and verify their proper condition. Diagnose problems efficiently and targeted.


Hydraulic solenoids

Check the proper function of the electrical part of hydraulic or air solenoids. Measure their electrical resistance and control their linear displacement where applicable.

Pressure transducers

Using compatible pressure transducers, you can log the measured pressures and show them in a graph, through time. The range of the pressure can be adjusted.


Variable resistance potentiometers and PWM signal generation

Using variable resistance potentiometers and having the ability to produce PWM pulse signal, you can generate analog DC signals or variable Duty Cycle signals.

Digital signals and relays

Using the embedded capabilities, digital signals of high or low level can be generated or received. Also opening or closing properly connected circuits can be achieved through the relays.
